terça-feira, 14 de junho de 2011


APLIERJ – Sharing to grow
APLIERJ (Associação de Professores de Inglês do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) was founded in Campos dos Goytacazes in 1993 in an effort to foster the professional development of teachers of English in Rio de Janeiro State. Since then, the association has been growing with the support of its own members, publishers, private and public institutions. At present its membership is at approximately 1,000 professionals. Our main partners include publishers, the government, the British Council and the American Embassy.

The main aims of APLIERJ are to:
• promote the sharing of knowledge and experience;
• establish and maintain contact with similar associations;
• organize conventions, meetings and seminars on topics related to English teaching;
• publish newsletters to keep its members up-to-date with new trends in the field of ELT.

Being a non-profit organization, the members of the Executive Board, Cultural Committee and Financial Committee are all volunteers, working for the good of the professional growth of English teachers.
Main advantages for the members:
n        ENPLIRJ – out biggest event – every two years;
n        Regional events organized by the regional representatives and the board;
n        Mindbite – our printed newsletter;
n        On-line newsletter;
n        CD with ENPLIRJ proceedings;
n        Website;
n        Discounts in events (including the ones organized by Braz-TESOL) and in some bookshops;
n        National and international partnerships;
n        Professional recognition.

Main challenges we have been facing:
n        Reviewing the Executive Board;
n        Organizing events;
n        Finding trustful affordable accountants;
n        Charging old members;
n        Find New members (Marketing);
n        Maintaining partnerships (especially with the governments)
n        Establishing new partnerships;
n        Teachers lack of time to participate.

Conclusion - What are TAs?

A teacher association (TA) is a forum for the development of professionalism. It promotes events, publishes newsletters (printed and on-line), offers sites with useful information for the teachers (eg. www.aplierj.com.br), develop special projects (eg. Project Allwright).

Besides the regional associations (APLIERJ, APIES, APLIEPAR and many others), there are also our national association (Braz-TESOL) and its regional chapters) and international ones (IATEFL and TESOL).

However, teachers associations need members, support and sponsorship, participation and involvement. So if you are a member of a TA, try to get more involved and if you are not, become a member now.

Keep in Touch!!! Get Involved!!!
Janaína Cardoso

3 comentários:


    Guest speakers: Gisele Santos (Cultura Inglesa), Monica Camara (Curso Oxford), Paulo Abreu (Britannia) and Tania Shepherd (UERJ)

    Information and Enrollment: aplierjevents@hotmail.com
    Fee: APLIERJ 2013 membership: Teachers: R$ 35 University Students: R$ 25

  2. APLIERJ ONE-DAY SEMINAR (More details):

    Date: November 9th 2012

    Time: 8:30 to 17:00

    Venue: CDL - Niterói - Rua Andrade Neves, 31 Centro (near Plaza Shopping)

    Limited number of seats!Enroll now!

    To enroll pay the fee: Aplierj bank account: Itau - Agency 0408 Bank account 42402-6 and send an email to aplierjevents@hotmail.com

  3. Chamada para publicação:

    A revista e-scrita receberá, até o dia 30 de novembro, submissões para
    o v. 3, numero 3 (setembro-dezembro de 2012).
    O volume 3, no. 3 da revista e-scrita consistirá em resenhas e artigos
    para as seções: Estudos Literários, Ensino-aprendizagem e Estudos

    Serão, também, aceitos artigos para o dossiê “ A escrita do mal”.


    Comemorando o centenário de Nelson Falcão Rodrigues (1912-1980),
    considerado por muitos como um autor maldito, a revista e-scrita
    apresenta o dossiê “A escrita do mal”.
    O tema do dossiê nasceu de uma mesa homônima composta por
    professores da Uniabeu, realizada em nosso Encontro de Educadores, na
    qual foram apresentados trabalhos sobre a obra de Machado de Assis,
    Fernando Pessoa, Marquês de Sade e, claro, Nelson Rodrigues, a partir
    do O trabalho seminal A literatura e o mal de Georges Bataille (1897


    A revista está indexada em Qualis/ CAPES (B4), CLASE, LATINDEX, ULRICH'S,
    SUMÁRIOS.ORG.PERIÓDICOS, NEWJOUR, WZB (Wissenschatft Zentrum Berlin
    für Sozialforschung), EZB (Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek),
    Portal de Periódicos CAPES e DOAJ
